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September 17, 2006
Novena to St. Thomas Day 1
With 9 days until Peter defends I've decided to start a blog novena to St. Thomas Aquinas for him. At this point all we can do for Peter is pray. Hmmm, that sounds a little ominous. To clarify, Peter has already done all that is humanly possible to pass, so we need ask for the graces that will assist him in passing. St. Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of academics, against storms, against lightning, apologists, scholars, students, universities, chastity and pencil makers (and much more). So without further ado....
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
St. Thomas, called by God
"Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" (Mt 10:37).
St. Thomas, as a young man you became convinced that God was calling you to religious life. Although your family was opposed to it, you were determined to follow God's call. Even when your brothers kidnapped you and forced you to remain a prisoner in your own house, you did not give up but waited patiently for God's hour. St. Thomas, pray for all young people who are considering their vocation in life. Help them to be open to the call of God. Inspire them to make choices motivated by love for God and an unselfish love for other people. Whatever their state in life, help them to see their chosen path as a call to service. May all married couples, single persons, priests and religious build up the Church through lives of unselfish devotion and love.
St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of students and universities, I thank God for the gifts of light and knowledge he bestowed on you, which you used to build up the Church in love. I thank God, too, for the wealth and richness of theological teaching you left in your writings. Not only were you a great teacher, you lived a life of virtue and you made holiness the desire of your heart. If I cannot imitate you in the brilliance of your academic pursuits, I can follow you in the hu mility and charity which marked your life. As St. Paul said, charity is the greatest gift, and it is open to all. Pray for me that I might grow in holiness and charity. Pray also for universities, and for all students. In particular, please obtain the favor I ask during this novena that Peter be filled with wisdom and knowledge that will assist him in passing his defense.
Posted by Albertus Testudo on September 17, 2006 at 01:32 PM | Permalink
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