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May 30, 2006
In Book XV, Chapter 23, St. Augustine is talking about Enoch, the OT Patriarch who was "translated." He mentions that there is a Book of Enoch, but that the reason that it is not part of the canon of Scripture is not necessarily that there is anything patently false in it, but because, he reports, "it was impossible to discover whether they were what Enoch had written, since those who put them forward are not found to have preserved them with the due formality, that is, through an appointed succession."
Interestingly enough, by this standard of the Early Church, if what Protestant doctrine typically claims about the history of the Church is true (i.e. that the true Church was lost at such-and-such a time, but was revived at the Protestant Reformation or whenever their particular denomination was founded), then the whole Bible falls into this category, and is nothing but apocrypha of doubtful authority and authenticity.
Indeed, right now we are seeing just how ill-equipped many non-Catholic bodies are to deal with quasi-historical what-iffing that calls into question the authenticity of the Gospels (though the process did not start yesterday). So dark the con of man, indeed.
Posted by Thomas A. on May 30, 2006 at 11:12 AM | Permalink
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