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March 21, 2005
Not to be too alarmist...
but if Michael Schiavo wins this one, will we all need to go file formal legal documents saying that we do not wish to be killed if we are incapacitated? Or would a forehead tattoo saying "please don't kill me" be admissible in court?
In India, dishonest relatives can bribe officials into legally certifying people to be dead so that they can seize their belongings. In America, it seems, we will not even have to bother with that; if they are injured, just tell the doctor they want it. What an improvement in society this will be after the massive increase in litigiousness and the placing of being killed on an even footing with being kept alive by food and water.
Posted by Thomas A. on March 21, 2005 at 03:39 PM | Permalink
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